Love is in the air

Love is in the air
They were meant for each other

martes, 29 de abril de 2014

Ode on Melancholy ---> Discovering its Imagery

"Wolfs-bane, tight-rooted, for its poisonous wine;"
The image portrays the physical appearance and the poisonous aspect that is presented in the poem about the wolfs bane, which is a beautiful flower but in this case it is shown to be deadly. The image highlights the shadows and lights, especially the darkness, evil death brought about by the flower.

" Make not your rosary of yew-berries;"
      The image on the right presents a rosary that is red just like the yew-berries. The shape of the balls in the rosary have the same shape as the ones of the berry. Also the fact that it talks about a rosary relates to religion and god.  This is one more allusion to nature that is present in the first stanza. It portrays the idea that everything is connected. 

"Sudden from heaven like a weeping cloud"
The image on the right shows a landsacape in which there is a storm and it is raining. This highlights the metaphor in the poem about the rain and sky. Melancholy is unexpected, just like rain and is presente through nature.  

 "And feed deep, deep upon her peerless eyes"
This image is a direct portrayal of the "peerless eyes". Keats' makes use of repetition of the word 'deep' to highligh this idea, and the eyes on the picture give an impression of deepness.

"Bidding adieu; and aching Pleasure nigh,"
This picture represents the "aching pleasure", as the woman is 'throwing up' love. It is a portrayal of the oxymoron as two opposite terms are joined. In this case, the oxymoron expresses that even though you are happy, you will eventually be sad as melancholy makes it's way to us, and joy is only temporary.

"Turning to poison while the bee-mouth sips:"
The image above shows a bee sipping the pollem of a flower. The bees make honey which is really sweet but they can also sting which can ache. In some way this can show how the speaker enjoys melancholy. 

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