Love is in the air

Love is in the air
They were meant for each other

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

John Keat's Short but Wonderful LIFE

  • Born in London, England, on October 31, 1795
  • 1803: His dad died (Had a profound effect on his life)
  • 1810: After her mother left him in the care of her mother because of her second marriage failure, she got sick with turberculosis and died.  Keats left the school for studies to become a surgeon. He studied medicine at a London hospital.
  • 1813:  Hunt's radicalism and biting pen landed him in prison for libeling Prince Regent.
  • 1816: He became a licensed apothecary, never ceasing his devotion for literature.
  • 1817: Leveraged his new friendships to publish his first volume of poetry, Poems by John Keats
  • 1818: He published his first Shakespearean sonnet “When I have fears that I may cease to be”. He fell in love with Fanny Brawne. 
  • 1819: He contracted turberculosis, and his health started to deteriorate quickly.
  • 1820: Publishes his last final volume of poetry Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems. He left a letter to Fanny saying “If I had had time, I would have made myself remember’d”. 
  • 1821: Died on the 23 of February, clutching the hand of his friend Joseph Severn.

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